Always Improve Service Quality, Amalia Hotel Received Tourism Business Certification & Maintains Three-Star Certification

On December 20th 2021, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy stipulated a Ministerial Regulation on the implementation of tourism business certification. This determination is an effort to improve the quality of service and productivity, as well as the competitiveness of the tourism industry in Indonesia. Realizing this, Hotel Amalia as a tourism sector industry player in Bandar Lampung participated in the tourism sector business certification test conducted by a team of auditors from PT Sucofindo as a validation and verification institution in Indonesia.

The certification audit was carried out for 4 days, starting from March 18th – 21st 2024 at the Amalia Hotel and was attended by the Amalia Hotel management team and the auditor team. The audit process takes place openly and cooperatively. The assessment carried out includes facilities, organizational systems, human resources, services, products, and business management management. After passing several stages of assessment, Hotel Amalia managed to meet the standards, so it was considered worthy of obtaining a tourism sector business certificate.

On the same occasion, Hotel Amalia also managed to maintain the three-star hotel title certification, because it obtained excellent assessment results above the three-star standard (star rating). Through these two certificates, it is proof that Hotel Amalia has implemented excellent service standards and quality hotel management, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

For more information about Hotel Amalia and its various services, kindly visit: